Mandelmus an hour ago | next |

> Thriving companies like Arc and Linear build an entire aesthetic ecosystem that invites users and advocates to be part of their version of the world.

Afaik Arc still has no revenue and no clear path to a business model, so I’m not sure I’d call it a “thriving company.” I like and use their browser but I fully expect it to die once the money runs out, because people won’t pay for a better looking browser.

ein0p an hour ago | prev |

> Software is good enough

I beg to differ. Software won’t be good enough until a normal person just tells it what to do and it does what the human asked. 95% of people are completely unable to use software beyond checking email or watching YouTube or playing a game. That’s not “good”. “Good” would be to tell iMovie “make this look more like The Matrix”, or telling Expedia “book a full trip to Shanghai, with non-stop flights and hotels near such and such”. You get the idea. Let me do more, free me up so I could stop wasting time on bullshit. That’d be “good”. What we have now is mostly laughable.

mpalmer 8 minutes ago | root | parent |

When we get to where you're talking about, I think it'll still be easy to find someone who's not satisfied.

Software and technology in general have been reducing and creating bullshit in varying proportions since the start. People a hundred years ago weren't worrying about the hassle of booking a flight to Shanghai because it wasn't possible.